Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Some people should be neutered!

A week or so my father's ex wife rang up wanting my half brother and sister's phone numbers. She rabbited on about getting custody back of her 16 year old son(Jimmy). CYPS has had custody of him since he was 5-6 after he was abused by more than one of her boyfriends/mates. I took her phone number and passed it on to my brother.

Tonight my brother called round and he had Jimmy with him. Apparently his mother has sent this kid up to live with John or Christine. She had only just gotten him back and now shes palming him off on someone else. She should never have had any of the children. Tauraki was raised by first his grandparents and then an aunt. I had John and Christine. Jimmy by foster parents. And the youngest, Harry, by his father.

John and Christine are in their early 20s with young families of their own. They really shouldn't be raising a 16 year old with many social, emotional and psychological problems. I know from first hand experience that its tough.

For my own sanity I've remained distant to the situation. It actually feels almost good that for once its not my problem. John and Christine are adults and whilst I can offer advice when asked, they're the ones making the decisions for their families and are the ones who have to deal with the consequences of those decisions.


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