Wednesday, May 04, 2005


No, silly, not what you think. However, I have recently been found fantasizing about walls.

Er. Let me explain.

Walls are just hot. Push me up against them and I switch into subbie, wet, horny mode almost immediately. Shove your cock against me, and it's even better. It's dramatic without the over-violence, it's cliched but still damned hot, and it also gives support for rubbery knees without needing to sit or lay down.

Doesn't even matter if I'm facing the wall, or have my back to it. There are benefits to both.

Back to the wall: All my sensitive bits, with the exception of my neck, are available for easy access. The pressure against my back is hot. Solid, giving me nowhere to move. Bonus point for pulling my hands to either side of my head and pinning me there. Whew. Warm in here, or is it me?

Front to the wall: I can't see his hands as easily, kind of like being blindfolded without the smeared eyeliner. He can touch me any darned way he likes, shove my legs apart, tease me from behind, and my ass fits into his crotch in a rather lovely way. Spankings also are quite lovely in this position, allowing me to crowd the nice cool wall in contrast to my burning tush. If the height thing is right, he can even flip up my skirt and take me from behind. Yummm. Bonus points also for pinning my hands to the wall in this position. Who needs rope? We've got a wall...

There's nothing sexier, in the whole entire world, than getting shoved against the wall of the elevator, trapped within a man's arms, and kissed and fondled for the duration of the ride.

However, it's not just about the public walls, really - although I will admit a passing fancy for alleyway walls, and other public place walls. My hallway, my bedroom, my dining room...


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