Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Will you miss me?

I've had a busy and sometimes stressful couple of weeks. At times I've thought about blogging about what's going on for me, but decided that some things are best kept to myself. I'm not gunna be around for a while. 3 weeks, to be precise. I'm gunna miss a few of you...my Uncle, my woman, my beasty, The Overload, others maybe. Yeah.

Wow...that all sounds positively 'Emo'! If you consider Emo = Emotional. Damn right I'm emotional. This is MY blog and I can post MY emotions on it if I want. 'Emo' seems to be the popular diss word at the moment. Much like 'gay' was a while back. To be honest I think they're both S T U P I D. Is it not okay for people to express emotions? Especially on their own personal blogs? I find my blog an excellent release when I've been holding stuff in. I would think that other people feel the same. So basically, if you don't like what I post here....you know where the little x at the top is located. Hmm this isn't where I was intending to go when I started this blog, but its what came out.

I also want to talk about parents with out of control children. Is it right to just throw your hands in the air and say you can't deal with it, someone else come take them away? Its happened in my own family. I just don't understand it. Having children is a choice, how can you just give up on your own child? Sure things can be really bad. You can feel like you're going insane. That your own life is at risk at times. Its times like those that you access organizations that help. The one that saved my sanity when I had custody of John and Christine was ToughLove. There's branches in New Zealand, Australia, USA and many other countries.

Does anyone know of a good FREE net nanny/child restriction type program that works with Windows ME? A friend of mine has recently gotten the internet connected for her teenage son and feels its necessary to put one of these programs on so to restrict access to porn and other inappropriate sites.

I've got so much to do today. I haven't even started packing. It always makes my head spin when I do that, so I've been avoiding it. I have to do it today though. The time to procrastinate has run out!


Blogger Ayannali said...

of course I'll miss you!!!

THanks for understanding my plight, I hope everything works out for you.

and I wish I knew some nanny sites....My older son wants to go online...but I don't let him ... Thank goodness he isn't out of control, but thanks for those links. I'll know where to go if I need it.

Take Care!!!!

11:54 PM  
Blogger Michele said...

Hope your trip is fun and uplifting!

As for cyber-patrol, I hope you find something. One of the authors that I follow, her 17 yr old daughter is missing. She just left. Her computer was being taken to the sherriff's dept. so they could check her "online" contacts. Suspicions abound that it's a cyber predator. Scary stuff.

That's why I hope you find the filter to protect your child. You just never know!

1:22 AM  
Blogger _-Sweet-Thing-_ said...

I really thought I had left a message here.....

2:29 AM  

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