Sunday, March 27, 2005

Dominant vs Domineering

There's a difference between being dominant, and being domineering.

* Dominant people show others that they're right.
* Domineering people bully those around them to get their way.

* Dominant people are not afraid to admit that they are wrong.
* Domineering people feel that admitting that they are wrong means that they are weak.

* Dominant partners encourage their followers to try harder, and teach them how to achieve more.
* Domineering partners scream at their followers to get them to work faster and/or harder and/or longer.

* Dominant people surround themselves with strong people, who can push them to achieve more.
* Domineering people surround themselves with weaker people, who they can push around.


Blogger JohnLloydScharf said...

I sounds like a masterful discrimination between dominance and domineering. I would add that those who dominating do it for the good of all and take responsibility. Those who are domineering do it for themselves and refuse to take responsibility or be held accountable.

8:16 AM  

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