Saturday, May 21, 2005



Yes, well I think I have every right to be stressed and emotional at the moment.

We are currently homeless and will be that way for about 6 weeks. The insurance assessor came yesterday and the news wasn't good. The carpet needs replacing (not surprising considering the sewage), the gib needs taking off and the pink batts pulling out, the whole area needs cleaning and sanitising. The everything needs drying out with big fan dryers before its all renovated, carpeted etc.

My Nana had a stroke about 13 years ago and is immobile, confined to a wheelchair. She lives next door to us and her house is in exactly the same condition as ours. I had her with me at my friend's place until yesterday. Then I made the hard decision to put her into a nursing home until things are sorted. She was very disoriented (tried to go down steps in her wheelchair) and needed 24 hour supervision, besides the place we're at isn't wheelchair friendly. At this stage it looks likely that I'm going to send her to Australia to Dad for him to look after her.

The big clean up hit full gear at our 2 houses today with a contractor arriving to remove the carpet and underlay and strip out the walls to 1 metre. A big skip arrived and we got rid of the 5 waterlogged beds, assorted drawer sets, cupboards, electrical appliances etc. A friend helped me take a vanload of washable things (bedding, curtains, clothes etc) to a commercial laundry.

there's another 100 mm of rain forecast for Tauranga in the next 48 hours. We moved all that is left and is in okay condition up high so if it does flood again the damage is minimized.

The big mission for tomorrow is finding a more permanent place for Nicole and I to stay for the next 6 weeks. Insurance will pay for a motel or rental accommodation. I'm leaning towards finding a motel with cooking facilities. I'm just not sure how using the net would work. My friend Teresa and I will do some research tomorrow.


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