My child is my Mother's Day gift
Look at moi, look at moi, look at moi! I'm a mum. I love receiving gifts.
I love receiving a gift at any time: Christmas, engagement, wedding, birth of a baby, graduation, birthday, Mother's Day. But, I know this one will be different.
I no longer have a husband to acknowledge my status as a mother. There will be no gift from my husband this year. My child is financially dependent so she is unable to make a purchase for me. No store-bought gifts for me this year.
But I have a gift.
My child is a gift and she will delight me with a gift and she will delight me with a gift that she sees appropriate for me.
It will be a gift from her heart, a thoughtful gift, something she believes will be of value to me.
It may be a card that she has worked on in secret over the past few days leading up to Mother's Day (do my arms really come out from the sides of my head?).
She may share the cat with me (I don't think so!)
She may treat me to a cup of tea. She will insist I put my feet up while she makes it (all the while I'll be yelling instructions from the sofa to the kitchen).
I know it's quicker to do it yourself but its Mother's Day after all! If I'm lucky this may be followed by a shoulder massage as I listen to her sharing her secrets and concerns (all the while remembering it's not always about me).
There will be an effort of no demanding behavior, no pouting or tantrums.
It will be a day for me, all about me. Me, me, me! Mums don't often get days all about them! It's usually all about our family, children, home, friends and work commitments.
And that's OK because it's a priviledge to have these aspects in our lives, but one day a year for me to be pampered is OK too.
My child may just pray that prayer she always prays.
The one about wishing mummy and daddy would get back together.
She may just reach up and wipe away my tears, again.
And all the while, my daughter is learning about serving. Serving another person.
About loving in a practical way by meeting someone else's needs. About how it is better to give than receive and that commands a blessing.
I hope and pray you are blessed this Mother's Day.
Share it with the people you love.
By Debbie Walker
This was in the local newspaper, it touched me.

The ring Nicole made me out of a coke bottle lid, tin foil, garden twine and sellotape. I shall wear it with pride.
I love receiving a gift at any time: Christmas, engagement, wedding, birth of a baby, graduation, birthday, Mother's Day. But, I know this one will be different.
I no longer have a husband to acknowledge my status as a mother. There will be no gift from my husband this year. My child is financially dependent so she is unable to make a purchase for me. No store-bought gifts for me this year.
But I have a gift.
My child is a gift and she will delight me with a gift and she will delight me with a gift that she sees appropriate for me.
It will be a gift from her heart, a thoughtful gift, something she believes will be of value to me.
It may be a card that she has worked on in secret over the past few days leading up to Mother's Day (do my arms really come out from the sides of my head?).
She may share the cat with me (I don't think so!)
She may treat me to a cup of tea. She will insist I put my feet up while she makes it (all the while I'll be yelling instructions from the sofa to the kitchen).
I know it's quicker to do it yourself but its Mother's Day after all! If I'm lucky this may be followed by a shoulder massage as I listen to her sharing her secrets and concerns (all the while remembering it's not always about me).
There will be an effort of no demanding behavior, no pouting or tantrums.
It will be a day for me, all about me. Me, me, me! Mums don't often get days all about them! It's usually all about our family, children, home, friends and work commitments.
And that's OK because it's a priviledge to have these aspects in our lives, but one day a year for me to be pampered is OK too.
My child may just pray that prayer she always prays.
The one about wishing mummy and daddy would get back together.
She may just reach up and wipe away my tears, again.
And all the while, my daughter is learning about serving. Serving another person.
About loving in a practical way by meeting someone else's needs. About how it is better to give than receive and that commands a blessing.
I hope and pray you are blessed this Mother's Day.
Share it with the people you love.
By Debbie Walker
This was in the local newspaper, it touched me.

The ring Nicole made me out of a coke bottle lid, tin foil, garden twine and sellotape. I shall wear it with pride.

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