Thursday, July 13, 2006

American invasion.

I'm so tired! The past two weeks have been school holidays here. Nicole has been spoilt and circumstances has granted her 5 weeks holidays. This week Nicole and my friend's two daughter's Abbey and Jaimee have participated in a morning school holiday program. Its been run by a group of 22 American adults and teenagers from California who are out here for two weeks. They were based at one of the local churches, just up the road from me.

I've been attending with the girls and helping out a bit. The program was really well run. They did singing, played games, were read stories, watched puppet shows, did crafts, and thoroughly enjoyed the attention from the teenagers with the strange accents. Jaimee in particular was totally enamored with a girl of about 15 with long blonde hair, barbie doll looks and an identical twin sister. When asked why she liked this particular girl her answer was... she helped me a lot with my crafts.

The Americans brought a lot of their supplies (and heaps of treats for the kids) with them. Alot of it isn't available here. I found the stuff that they came out with rather interesting...

Huge Pep-O-Mint flavored Lifesavers.
They smelt like a rugby changing room on match day. And tasted much the same. Deep Heat flavored lollies....I'll pass.

Yellow Fish shaped Crackers.

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.
Chocolate filled with peanut butter. Yuck lol

They also had dry macaroni noodles in a box instead of a bag. And they were very short compared to what we normally get, and not curved. They also gave each child a bag with torches, stickers, lollies, bubbles, elastic bracelets and a lanyard in it. Pretty spoilt.


Blogger Ayannali said...

Life savers!!! I love them! and my older son love goldfish! each fish has a smile!

I can only like reese's peanut butter cups in small doses as i hate overdosing on peanut butter.

Sort of a culture shock I guess for you....California twin girls that look like Barbie...hmmm I remember a series of books with main characters like that, Called Sweet Valley High - also Sweet Valley Twins and Sweet Valley University.

Sounds like an interesting time

7:32 AM  
Blogger eMMa said...

The fish were probably the best thing of the lot in my opinion.

I vaguely remember the little sister used to read them. These girls names were Lacey and Lindsey. With Lacey being the one that Jaimee took to.

5:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they have them fish things here too... they're nice :P

10:26 AM  
Blogger _-Sweet-Thing-_ said...

I've seen those yellow fish biscuits here!

1:43 PM  
Blogger Michele said...

Of all the Life Savers flavors they had to bring Pep o mint? Uck..believe me, there are MUCH better selections out there.

LOL on the gold fish. My kids used to love them until my little one ate a whole back himself on a car trip. ( wouldn't share with his brother)
We ALL paid for that one.

Reeses ..I used to eat one now and again, but never again. My little one is deathly allergic to, it and all it's products are banned.

I like chocolate soybutter now.

Aren't us Americans cute?
We have an accent? I wish I could hear it from your perspective... I never thought we had an accent ... just kind of bland.
I'll never know though... darn.
I'd have to be involved in some Sci-Fi scenario for that to ever happen ...

8:31 AM  

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