Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Ahh fuck

Do you ever have the feeling that you're invisable?

I've had it alot lately, and I don't like it. I know i'm a bit of an attention whore sometimes. But I also like the times when i'm by myself, doing my own thing and don't have to communicate with people. At the moment i'm guessing its loneliness, discontent and frustration.

You see, this year I have goals. Normally I live my life day to day and just roll with it, but this year i've got big plans. But to have them come together, certain things must happen along the way. And they simply aren't.

Frustration has always been something I don't react well to, and with these situations its worse in many ways, the goals mean alot to me. Fuck, I know i'm rambling here as my mind goes from one random thought or feeling to another. In the words of Michael/Stinger/John/Ghostdog/duncan/whatever name he chooses to use today or 3 weeks ago................... "Fuck It!"

Is there some rule saying I have to be nice when other people treat me like shit?


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