Thursday, February 23, 2006

The 'F' Word.

I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and was telling him that Nicole had used the F word that day. We were getting the car which had been sitting in the sun. She said 'the car is fucking hot'. She was right lol. I had a really hard time not laughing. Even though I swear at times, she has never really picked up on it. So as we drove off we had a talk about inappropriate words for children to say.

This got me thinking about the first ever time she used that word. She must have been around 2 years old. We were in the supermarket, she was riding in the trolley and packing a tantrum about something. We were in the cereal isle and it was empty apart from a young guy who was stacking shelves. He looked at her, which set her off even more and she started yelling at this poor guy 'YOU FUCK, YOU FUCK, YOU FUCK'. The guy didn't know what to say or do.


Blogger Michele said...

ROTFL!!! At 2yrs you say?
Oh that is priceless. Only when they are that young, does that word bring out chuckles instead fo the "hairy eyeball"

Your post has ironic timing.
My soon to be 6 yr old did something his 9 1/2 yr old brother NEVER, EVER did. Sport the Middle Finger in irate salute at his brother just this morning! Imagine my shock!!!
I said "where did you see THAT before?"
He replied that it was one of his class mates..another boy -go figure.
I' asked him, "Do you know what it means?"
He said, " It's super bad."
Good enough.
Then I had to explain why its not done in the home. It's a bad sign proof area.
THEN, big brother decides to ask..Well, what does it REALLY mean??"
I am NOT ready for this conversation, no way, no how.

I just said " I don't want to see that in my house. It IS bad and I don't allow bad things here."
talk about passing the buck,huh?

I am So not ready to be a parent of a tween....gah!!!

10:47 AM  

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