Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Nick the Dick

Nicole received an email from her father today. He states hes moved to Wellington and has a new job that is earning him 'heaps' of money. Funny how my child support hasn't gone up at all since he was unemployed.

He also says hes met a woman and they are engaged and getting married in April 08. I'm really not sure how to react to this. Will this mean he'll have other kids with this woman? Will he be a real dad to them? What about Nicole? I doubt hes even told this woman he has a child. I feel sad that Nicole is pretty much forgotten by him and his family. She doesn't deserve this.


Blogger Ayannali said...

Wow, that's what he wrote his daugther? geez what a sleeze.

I have personally given up on my son's father.

You are doing what you need to do to raise your daugther right, that's what really counts.

Plus, go after him for increased support...at least!

7:11 AM  
Blogger eMMa said...

Haha I've already phoned IRD and told them about his new job etc. I hope they catch up with him.

I think Nicole is keen to go to this wedding. But theres no way shes going by herself, and I sure as fuck don't want to go. I suppose theres no point thinking about this until he actually invites her. Though I have a feeling that isn't going to happen.

In many ways I want to tell him to fuck off and just forget he has a daughter. But thats not really fair on Nicole. Not that hes really involved at all.

10:02 PM  

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