Friday, August 03, 2007

Mhm thats it

I bought a crockpot today! Its something I'd been considering for a while now. When I get home in the evening I hate having to stand around cooking dinner. This way I'll be able to put the food on to cook slowly during the day and it'll be all ready to eat when I get home. Some of the women at tech have them and swear by them.

I've found out why I'm always so exhausted. Blood tests have shown that I'm anemic. Now that I've got iron supplements, things should get better. I looked so tired yesterday morning that my tutor tried to send me home. I shouldn't be tired, I'm in bed before 10pm most nights. Its very weird and I hate it.

I've cruised though my last three unit standards at tech with minimum effort. I don't like it and its not normal for me. But it feels like its all I can manage at the moment. I'm not failing by a long shot, but I'm not doing my best. I know part of it is my total frustration and annoyance at a group of silly little 16-17 year old bitches who are in my class. They swan in several hours late, leave whenever the hell they like, don't show up half the time and when they do they sit their chatting with their buddies disrupting everyone else. But the thing that really pisses me off is when the tutor has to go back over stuff we've already covered just because they 'didn't get it'. Hello...IF YOU WERE HERE AND WERE LISTENING THE FIRST TIME, YOU WOULD HAVE GOT IT! They're selfish, rude, spoilt little cows. Theres one who regularly parks in the handicapped spaces and has received at least 3 tickets this year. Her father pays them!!! What a stupid man, hes bringing up another Paris Hilton. God help our city.

My nose is sore. Stewart and I were fooling around as you do. I bit him and went to push me away and ended up banging me on the nose. Don't get me wrong, he didn't hit me and it definitely wasn't on purpose. But it did bleed a little bit and is quite ouchy!

The in-laws are coming! They arrive in 2 weeks time. They're staying for 3 nights then flying off to America and Canada for 3 months. I'm not sure they approve of me, still, but its going to be interesting.

About Nicole... turns out she had a chest infection as well as a cold! On antibiotics now and feeling much better. The doctor was very responsive and is referring her to a paediatrician at the hospital. He also wanted a urine sample to be sent to med lab for testing. We did that yesterday. Nicole wasn't happy about doing it, but I promised to buy her some lollies if she just did it.

Night night xx


Blogger Oswald Bastable said...

Crockpots are also good for making mulled wine!

12:59 PM  
Blogger eMMa said...

Yeah? Where would I find a recipe?

3:05 PM  
Blogger Oswald Bastable said...

4 quarts dry red wine (zinfandel, merlot, burgundy, etc.)
1 pint brandy
1 cup sugar
6 cinnamon sticks
12 cloves, whole
1/8 tsp allspice
1/8 tsp mace
2 oranges, sliced
1 lemon, sliced

Pour the wine into a large pot and begin heating over low heat.
As it begins to warm, add sugar and spices. Stir until sugar is dissolved.
Add the brandy.
Heat thoroughly, but do not allow to boil!
Add the lemon and orange.
Steep for about 1 hour over low heat.
You may add more sugar during this time if desired, stirring well so it disolves.
Serve hot and garnish with orange slices. A stick cinnamon could also be used.

5:44 PM  
Blogger Oswald Bastable said...


5:46 PM  
Blogger eMMa said...

Cool that sounds rather yum. I'm going to have to try it. Thank you!

9:51 PM  

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