Thursday, July 12, 2007

Kulim Park

Its been raining and cold here for most of the last two weeks. On Sunday there was one rare sunny (yet cold) day. Aimee was staying and I wanted to get out of the house and get some fresh air. We went and picked up young William, packed a picnic and walked down to the local park. There we met my friend Suzanne and her youngest two children Abbey (9) and Jaimee (6).

We were there for close to 4 hours. The kids had a great time. They got covered in mud from rolling down a hill. I took William home at around 3pm. He asked to be put to bed! The others came back to our house for another hour or sos play. I text William's mum Amber at 5.30pm who said he was STILL asleep, but they had had a very peaceful afternoon.

Nicole and Aimee went to bed at 7.30pm that night. Which is pretty early for the school holidays. And I turned everything off at 8.30pm, took a nice hot shower, and was in bed by 9.15pm. I went straight to sleep and slept right through. Which was the first time since Stewart's been away!


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