Tuesday, January 01, 2008

My new duvet!

Isn't it awesome!

I fucking hate gardening!

Yesterday Dad had a guy come and remove some trees and cut some other ones back. He left a hell of a mess. Plus there was heaps of dry leaves that used to sit underneath the trees. I spent an hour outside bagging all the crap. I've now got 23 supermarket bags full of rubbish sitting along next to the front of the house. Guess what Stewart and Nicole are doing later this week when hes got a couple of days off? My arms are now all scratched and itchy.

Nicole got a scholarship!

Nicole goes to a before school, after school and holiday care program. Early december we went to their Christmas party. They announced they were giving away 3 $300 scholarships to full time attendees. It consisted of a $50 note that the child can spend on whatever they want. And $250 held by the owner in trust for 2008 school, music, sports fees etc.


She hasn't spend the $50 yet. She is saving up to buy a portable DVD player for her room. The cheapest ones are $200 from the Warehouse. Shes already got the $50 note, $40 Warehouse vouchers, $40 in change and Sofima gave her a $20 note when she left this morning. Plus Stewart's auntie sent a money order for $20AUD which we haven't had a chance to exchange yet.

Nicole's 9th Birthday

William, Nicole holding Jake, Carrie and Aimee. The two girls stayed the night. I think they finally went to sleep around 11pm :|

Mark's Fish

My little brother Mark went fishing for the first time whilst he was visiting. He caught two trout. One jumped out of the bucket. But here is the other one!