Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Valentines Day!

Sunday, February 10, 2008


I've got a pierced nipple. I've had it for around 5 years now. At the moment I'm deciding whether to keep it in or take it out. I have no pressing reason to do either, just a random thought thats come to mind recently.

On another note... some sadistic bastard turned the power switch off on my electric tooth brush. Left me very frustrated.


Nicole and I spent 3 days in hospital the week before last so she could undergo an water deprivation test. I was to be the final step in diagnosing diabetes insipidis. Well, the test showed that she doesn't have diabetes insipidis. However she is somewhat bizarre as she took over 20 hours to dehydrate. Most normal children of her age would have taken under 16 hours. She now has to have a kidney scan and more urine tests.

Nicole was in a room with 4 beds. The child next to her was a girl who goes to Nicole's school and whose mother attended tech with me last year. The first night the bed opposite was occupied by a teenage girl who's father appeared to be in the black power gang. The nurses moved her out into another single room after her father visited at around 11pm and kept everyone awake with his colourful language. The bed was then occupied by Claudia Billinge. She is one messed up little girl. All she seemed to do was cry.

Too tired

Been off my iron tablets for about 3 weeks now. I'm due to have another blood test this coming week to check my iron levels. Judging by my level of tiredness... its very low again.

New House rules

After getting increasingly pissed off at spending around an hour after work picking up and cleaning up after everyone else I decided some house rules were in order. I attempted to sit everyone down to discuss rules that would be fair to everyone. However everyone seemed less than enthusiastic about changing status quo. So the rules are set, without much input from the others. Too bad.